3/6 Cherry Blossom, Fondation Cartier Paris 2021

Regular price £500.00 GBP
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Printer: Cartier Fondation 

Dimensions: 80 x 60 cm

Condition: Very good 

Available: Sold

Description: Cherry Blossoms was Damien Hirst's sole exhibition in France. For this exhibition, the Fondation Cartier printed 6 different exhibition posters, this being 3/6.

Artist: Damien Hirst (born in 1965) is an English artist and sculptor, and well known for his installation art. One of the Young British Artists to dominate the art scene in the UK during the 1990s, he bumped the art world into new and controversial territory with his hugely successful ‘Natural History’ series featuring a dead shark, sheep and cow each suspended in formaldehyde. His art regularly begs the questions about the meaning of life and the fragility of biological existence. In 2007, he continued this theme with his recreation of a human skull in platinum and diamonds – a modern expression of the traditional momento mori meaning ‘remember you must die’.

Printer: Cartier Fondation 

Dimensions: 80 x 60 cm

Condition: Very good 

Available: Sold

Description: Cherry Blossoms was Damien Hirst's sole exhibition in France. For this exhibition, the Fondation Cartier printed 6 different exhibition posters, this being 3/6.

Artist: Damien Hirst (born in 1965) is an English artist and sculptor, and well known for his installation art. One of the Young British Artists to dominate the art scene in the UK during the 1990s, he bumped the art world into new and controversial territory with his hugely successful ‘Natural History’ series featuring a dead shark, sheep and cow each suspended in formaldehyde. His art regularly begs the questions about the meaning of life and the fragility of biological existence. In 2007, he continued this theme with his recreation of a human skull in platinum and diamonds – a modern expression of the traditional momento mori meaning ‘remember you must die’.